Please provide a brief description about your company.
On Brand saves you time when shopping for clothes online. After taking a brief quiz, we’ll aggregate all your favorite brands and products in one place with all of your preferences like size, fit, color, and style saved. Then based on how you shop, we’ll find you new brands and products that you haven’t yet heard of. We’re like the Spotify of apparel shopping!
Two hashtags that best describe you
#persistant #curious
What are your top tips for balancing work and life?
I don’t think these need to be two separate things. I think fulfilling work can be an important part of a fulfilling life. I think the definition of work should probably be expanded to not just include sitting in front of a computer from 9 – 5 typing emails or working in spreadsheets.
What is something new that you learned about running a business this year?
Bias for action. Stop thinking about things and start doing things. At some point you have to stop trying to gather all the advice you can and just start making something and figure it out as you go. Sometimes thinking can be a form of procrastination.
What is your motto?
“Whatever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much Or berate yourself either Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s” This is an excerpt from a column written by Mary Schmich’s that was published in the Chicago Tribune in 1997 and then popularized in a song by Baz Luhrmann. I basically try to live my life by the advice given in that song.
What is a legal mistake you wish someone warned you about?
I probably should have applied for my trademark earlier. It seems like it takes a while to hear back.
When running your business, what do you struggle with most?
Right now, I’m doing it alone and entrepreneurship, I’m learning, is a very lonely endeavor. Some days it’s difficult to stay motivated but then others you wish you could move quicker because you’re so excited to bring your company to life.
What advice would you give to yourself at 25 years old?
There is this thing called #Bitcoin that will seem very strange to you. Trust me, just buy it.
- Brian McEuen
- On Brand
- brian@onbrand.shop
- https://onbrand.shop/
- @bmceuen

Tricia Meyer is Founder + Managing Attorney of Meyer Law, one of the fastest growing law firms in the United States. Meyer helps entrepreneurs and technology companies from startups to large corporations with day-to-day matters and notable clients include companies that have appeared on Shark Tank to companies gracing the Inc. 500 to some of the largest companies in the world.
Tricia has been named on the Forbes Next 1000 list, is one of the Most Influential Female Lawyers in Chicago according to Crain’s Chicago Business and been recognized as a top 10 technology lawyer.
As an entrepreneur and a lawyer, Meyer has a unique perspective and has mentored thousands of startups and scaling companies at tech incubators and accelerators across the United States such as 1871, WeWork Labs and Techstars. Tricia has been featured in Inc., Crain’s, Chicago Tribune, NBC Chicago, American Express OPEN Forum, and more. Learn more at www.MeetMeyerLaw.com and follow Meyer Law’s story on Instagram @loveyourlawyer.