Protecting Your Business With Trademarks


There are numerous reasons to build a brand along with your business, and, if you are, make sure you’re protecting it with a trademark! In this article, we’ll explain the basics of what a trademark is, why it’s important, the trademark process and the importance of registering a trademark.

What is a trademark?

A trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies a product or service as belonging to a particular company. Trademarks can be words, phrases, symbols, logos, designs, or a combination of these elements. They can also be a combination of colors, sounds, or smells in certain circumstances.  A trademark is a form of intellectual property that helps to distinguish a company’s goods or services from those of its competitors. 

Why is a trademark important?

Trademarks are an important part of a company’s brand identity and can help to build consumer loyalty. They can also be used to protect a company’s reputation and prevent competitors from using similar marks. A trademark can be registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to give the owner exclusive rights to use the mark in the United States, which allows a company to take legal action against those who infringe on the trademark.

Trademarks are an important part of a company’s intellectual property and can help to protect a company’s brand identity. It is important to understand the basics of trademark law and to take steps to protect your company’s trademarks. It’s also crucial to consider where you intend on doing business to determine if you need to seek international trademark protection.

What do I need to do before filing a trademark application?

Before filing a trademark application, it is important to conduct a comprehensive trademark search.  This will help you determine whether or not the trademark is eligible for registration, and if there are any existing trademarks that are similar to yours. Additionally, you should also consult with an experienced trademark attorney to ensure that your trademark is eligible for registration and to ensure that you are not infringing on anyone else’s rights. An attorney can also help provide insight into the information you will need to gather prior to filling out the application.

Why is it important to do a trademark search before filing a trademark application?

A trademark search is an important step in the trademark registration process. It is important to do a trademark search before filing a trademark application because it allows you to check and make sure that your trademark is not already registered or in use by someone else. If your trademark is already registered or in use, then your application will be denied. Additionally, a trademark search can help you identify potential conflicts with existing trademarks, which can help you modify your trademark to make it more distinctive and less likely to be confused with other trademarks. Doing a trademark search can also help you avoid wasting time and money on an application that will ultimately be denied.

How do I perform a trademark search on the USPTO’s website?

Before applying for a trademark, it’s important to do a search on the USPTO’s website, specifically the Trademark Electronic Search System. The USPTO’s website provides a comprehensive trademark search tool that allows you to search for existing trademarks. To use the tool, simply choose a search option and enter the name of the trademark you are searching for in the search box. You can also narrow down your search by entering additional information such as the type of goods or services associated with the trademark. Once you have entered your search criteria, click the “Search” button to view the results. The results will include any existing trademarks that match your search criteria. It is important to note that the USPTO’s search tool only searches the USPTO’s database and does not include trademarks registered or maintained in other countries. Therefore, you should also use other trademark databases and search engines to make sure that your proposed trademark is not already in use.

How do I file a trademark application?

After you determine you’re in the clear after the search, it’s time to file a trademark application. It’s the first step in the process of registering a trademark and protecting your intellectual property. Filing a trademark application is a lengthy process. You will need to fill out an application form and submit it to the relevant trademark office. The application will include information about the trademark, such as its name, description, and class (i.e.: goods and services it will be used for). The class is an important consideration because it relates to the scope of the protection. Once the application is submitted, you will need to pay the required fees and wait for the trademark office to review your application as described below.

Can I file a trademark application online?

Yes, you can file an electronic application online. The USPTO has an online system for filing trademark applications. The process is similar to filing a paper application, but it is faster and more convenient. Don’t forget – you will still need to search the trademark database and search engines to make sure that your proposed trademark is not already in use!

How long does it take to file a trademark application and get a trademark registered?

The processing time it takes to file a trademark application varies depending on the country in which you are filing. The initial stages of filling out the application and coming up with the required documents and information takes anywhere from a week to a few months. Once your attorney has all of the required information for the initial application form, your application can be filed. From there, it can take anywhere from six months or longer for the application to be processed with the USPTO and assigned to an examining attorney. The examining attorney will review the application and determine whether or not the trademark is eligible for registration.

If your trademark application is not approved by the examining attorney, you will receive a letter from the USPTO explaining why the application was not approved. You may then be able to appeal the decision or make changes to the application and resubmit it. It is important to understand the reasons why your application was not approved so that you can take the necessary steps to ensure that your trademark is eligible for trademark registration, and ensure you’re not infringing anyone else’s rights.

If the examining attorney determines that the trademark is eligible for registration, the trademark will be published in the Official Gazette. This is a publication of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that is available to the public. The purpose of publishing a trademark is to give the public an opportunity to oppose the registration of the trademark. Once a trademark is published, anyone who believes that the trademark is too similar to an existing trademark or that it would cause confusion in the marketplace can file an opposition with the USPTO. If an opposition is filed, the USPTO will review the case and make a decision as to whether or not the trademark should be registered. If the trademark is approved, it will be officially registered and the owner will be able to take legal action against those who infringe on the trademark.

How much does it cost to file a trademark application?

The cost of filing a trademark application depends on the type of application you are filing and the country in which you are filing. Generally, the cost of filing a trademark application in the United States is between $225 and $400, depending on the type of application you are filing. Additionally, you will incur attorney fees if you have your attorney perform a trademark search, prepare the trademark application or respond to correspondence from the USPTO. It’s a good idea to hire an experienced attorney to help you with the process to help you avoid making any costly mistakes and encountering any unnecessary issues down-the-line.

What are the benefits of trademark protection?

Trademark protection can provide a company with a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased brand recognition and consumer loyalty
  • Protection from competitors using similar marks
  • The ability to register the mark with the USPTO to gain exclusive rights to the mark in the United States
  • The ability to take legal action against those who infringe on the trademark
  • Increased value of the company’s intellectual property
  • Increased protection for the company’s brand identity and reputation.

Final Words

As usual, it’s important to consult with an experienced trademark attorney that can help guide you through the trademark process. One of your company’s most valuable assets is its intellectual property and it’s important to protect it at all times. A trademark can help increase the value of your business by providing a unique and recognizable brand identity that customers can associate with your company, which can be a valuable asset when it comes time to sell or expand your business!

Tricia Meyer 301

Tricia Meyer is Founder + Managing Attorney of Meyer Law, one of the fastest growing law firms in the United States. Meyer helps entrepreneurs and technology companies from startups to large corporations with day-to-day matters and notable clients include companies that have appeared on Shark Tank to companies gracing the Inc. 500 to some of the largest companies in the world. Tricia has been named on the Forbes Next 1000 list, is one of the Most Influential Female Lawyers in Chicago according to Crain’s Chicago Business and been recognized as a top 10 technology lawyer. As an entrepreneur and a lawyer, Meyer has a unique perspective and has mentored thousands of startups and scaling companies at tech incubators and accelerators across the United States such as 1871, WeWork Labs and Techstars. Tricia has been featured in Inc., Crain’s, Chicago Tribune, NBC Chicago, American Express OPEN Forum, and more. Learn more at and follow Meyer Law’s story on Instagram @loveyourlawyer.